"DESCRIPTION 1"="Use this settings to activate or deactivate the DMA mode for your hard-disk(s). If you are using DMA, your hard-disc will be much faster than in default mode."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="After activating this setting, you need to restart your PC. If the setting is enabled after this restart, your hard-disk does support DMA."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="If the setting is deactivated again, your hard-disk does not support DMA."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
'Called when the Plugin should validate the Data the user has entered
SUB Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
'Called when the Plugin should apply the changes
SUB Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if b=True then
Call EnableDMA(0)
Call DisableDMA(0)
end if
if b=True then
Call EnableDMA(1)
Call DisableDMA(1)
end if
Call MsgWarning("Changes have been applied. You should restart your computer NOW because the changes you have made will not be visible until you have restarted.")
Call Restart
Sub EnableDMA(DevID)
s=sParaPath & DevID & "\"
s=s & sParaValueName
Call RegWriteValue(s,sParaValue,1)
End Sub
Sub DisableDMA(DevID)
s=sParaPath & DevID & "\"
s=s & sParaValueName
if IsEmpty(s2)=false then
Call RegDeleteValue(s)
end if
End Sub
'Called when the Plugin is about to be removed from memory